The iExec decentralized marketplace is where offer meets demand for computing power, datasets and applications. The marketplace leverages state-of-the-art blockchain technologies, which offer a high level of trust and traceability. Welcome to the new era of decentralized economies.
iExec introduces a new paradigm for computing assets, that can now be traded on a global market, just like any other commodity. These assets increase in value while being available for anyone to use.
Workers are the cloud providers in charge of executing the works submitted by users. Similarly to blockchain miners, workers share their resources and get rewarded in RLC. These workers can be public or private, and are organized in worker pools. For each one of these, a scheduler manages the work distribution.
PoCo is the protection shield of the iExec marketplace. It is a consensus algorithm that guarantees protection against Byzantine workers (who could provide bad results to penalize users) and users (who could argue against legitimate work performed by legitimate workers). PoCo enforces trust on a decentralized network.